A-Type DSR Collection


This collection features all the Dynamic Speaker Responses (DSRs) for the A-Type. Explore the full range of tones from the A-Type, at a considerable saving over buying the individual files. Includes five cabinet configurations: 1×12 (open and closed back), 2×12 (open and closed back) and 4×12 (closed back).

SKU: IR00311 Categories: ,


Supremely musical and three-dimensional in sound, the A-Type has a more laid-back midrange than other speakers in our range, revealing body and complexity across the entire frequency spectrum. Players looking for clean tones will enjoy the smooth articulation, while rock fans will rejoice in the thundering low end. Explore alternative tonal possibilities with the A-Type responses and unleash a bold new voice from your amplifier.

The A-Type is available as a Dynamic Speaker Response (DSR) library with five different cabinet types:

1×12 (open back)

1×12 (closed back)

2×12 (open back)

2×12 (closed back)

4×12 (closed back)

Each cabinet’s response has been captured using three of the best loved recording microphones, used in professional studios around the world. Each microphone is placed in six different locations, which gives a total of 18 core responses per cabinet.