G12-50GL Lynchback – 2×12 (Open Back)


Created to meet the exacting standards of iconic metal guitarist George Lynch, the G12-50GL Lynchback speaker in a 2×12 open back cabinet delivers the legendary and much-celebrated vintage tone of a G12M Greenback with the additional capability of producing a harder, more aggressive sound on demand.


The G12-50GL Lynchback speaker delivers the legendary and much-celebrated vintage tone of a G12M Greenback with the additional capability of producing a harder, more aggressive sound on demand.

By blending a unique combination of sonic elements taken from models introduced throughout Celestion’s history, we designed a speaker that provides a warm and detailed lead tone, coupled with an up-front attitude just bursting to deliver punchy, effective rhythm sounds.

Choose the G12-50GL Lynchback 2×12 open back speaker response for responsiveness, clarity and superb dynamics.

What does it sound like?

Listen to a sample of this Impulse Response below.