G12M-65 Creamback DSR Collection


Get all the Dynamic Speaker Response (DSR) files for the G12M-65 Creamback series in one complete set. Explore the full range of sounds for this classic speaker, at a considerable saving over buying individual files.

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Get all the Dynamic Speaker Response (DSR) files for the G12M-65 Creamback series in one complete set. Explore the full range of sounds for this classic speaker, at a considerable saving over buying individual files.

Unleashed in 2012 the G12M-65 Creamback has fast become the new benchmark in guitar speaker tone. Put simply, it was built for players who love the familiar Greenback tone, but crave a bolder low end. Expect a warm and woody G12M midrange, with a little added brawn.

Available now direct to your home studio or touring rig, download the official Celestion G12M-65 Creamback DSRs and experience the new tonal standard.