Suhr Cabinet Impulse Response – 4×12 G12M Greenback


Experience the authentic rock tones of a Suhr 4×12 closed back cabinet containing Celestion G12M Greenbacks.

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If you’re looking for a controlled low end and glorious midrange crunch, look no further than this Suhr 4×12 cabinet loaded with G12M Greenbacks. It’s a perfect combo for classic ‘70s rock tone.

This Suhr 4×12 cabinet IR has been recorded with three pro-quality microphones (the Shure SM57, the Royer R-121, and the Sennheiser MD421) positioned in six different locations, resulting in a range of tone options: Balanced, Bright, Fat, Thin, Dark and Dark 2.

Also included are recordings for a Neumann TLM 107 room mic in Right, Left, and Stereo positions, as well as four mic mixes (SM57+R-121, SM57+MD421, R-121+MD421 and R-121+MD421+SM57) each with a Low Gain or High Gain option, making eight mix files in all.

All our Suhr cabinet IRs are in .WAV format for use with a wide range of contemporary DAWs, amp modellers and plugins.

What does it sound like?

Listen to a sample of this Impulse Response below.